Tickets with discount

Our guest could access several services and places near Pécs with a discount.

Zsolnay Cultural Center: Coupon for 10% discount

MecsExtrém Park: Ticket with discount - 3.290 Ft/darab (4 790 Ft without discount)

Pécs Zoo: Buy tickets at our reception with a 10% discount

Visiting Bishop Palace: Coupon for 20% discount

(Püspöki Palota, Székesegyház, Dzsámi, Dóm-Kőtár + Püspöki Kincstár)

Thermal spa at MagyarhertelendCoupon for 20% discount


Castle of Siklós: Buy tickets at our reception with a discount

Adult ticket for 1400 Ft instead of 1900 Ft

Bus ticket in Pécs: 400 Ft/pcs (500 Ft from the bus driver)


Ask at our reception!